Sunday, February 15, 2009

Too much time to think...

This week has been a week of battling with my health. I have had a nagging cold that has been annoying me. I'm a horrible person when it comes to being sick because I hate being unable to do whatever I want when I want. I was going to go out to lunch today but had to cancel due to barely feeling able to function. Sunday morning is softball practice. I think I'm not going to make that either.

The only problem with laying around at home trying to recover, it leaves me with way too much time to sit and think. I have been doing my share of watching I think of it.... I'm just trying to clear some space up on the DVR, although then I keep recording more stuff.

One of the shows I watched today was Michael Moore's Sicko. I have watched Michael Moore documentary's before and I always enjoy them. It's simply amazing how screwed up the system can be sometimes. I have been fortunate and not had to rely on the health system for anything more than a broken leg and having to go into get checked out for an upper respiratory infection. God forbid anything serious ever happens because the way our system is setup in the United States you will have to worry more about being in debt the rest of your life rather than actually worrying about getting better. Canada, England, France & even Cuba have Universal Healthcare. Why don't we? The answer seems to be that the healthcare industry buys off all the politicians then they pass laws to benefit them. It is so frustrating how corrupt the system is. I think this is the reason that I don't vote. It doesn't matter who you put in there because no matter what nothing ever changes.

Another movie I watched tonight was The Visitor. This movie was a surprise one for me, I had never heard anything about it. I happened to be going through the on-demand selection and saw the title and thought it might some alien sci-fi number so I figured I would check out the preview. The movie ended up being about this teacher who went to his apartment in New York after being away for several years and finding a couple living there. They turn out to be illegal immigrants and as a result of the teacher finding them and spending time with them eventually one is arrested and detained. You can't help but feel for someone that has come to the United States and has obeyed all of our laws and this is all they know before they get deported back to their former country. You have to especially wonder why they didn't go to a country with better healthcare!

Since I'm finding myself on a bit of a rant about things in life right now, what's the deal with this Chris Brown vs. Rihanna thing? I was raised to know and understand that you never raise your hand to a woman no matter what. Now I've watched a couple movies where the woman was beating the crap out of a guy and that might be reason to defend yourself. Seriously though has anyone seen the size of Rihanna, I don't think she could hurt much of anything. I guess I never will understand why women stay with the guys that beat on them. Of course I will never understand how so many good men in the world including myself are single and girls would rather walk all over us and take advantage of us before heading off to be with one of these pinheads.

Ha ha I'm laughing to myself because I'm thinking about how bitter and angry this blog is sounding and how I was told that I should not be so bitter and angry about the world. I don't know that I would classify myself as angry and bitter. I actually think of myself as a pretty happy person. I just want to understand why the world is the way it is. Especially when things just don't make a damn bit of sense to me.

Maybe it's just me, maybe I just have too much time to think. Just wait though, in a couple of days when I'm feeling good again then I'm going to start taking some action. I've sat back for too long and I'm ready to take my life into my own hands.

I'm finally giving myself permission to let people dislike me, I'm giving myself permission to give up on some people. I'm going to put more effort into the friends that actually show friend like qualities to me and less time to the spoiled little brats who walk around with their stuck up attitudes hoping everyone will notice them because of their attractiveness and ability to charm people to doing whatever they want. It doesn't work on me anymore and I'm going to show you what you missed out on.

I'm a very generous, thoughtful and passionate person. Those who have gotten to truly know me, they know this about me. For those that haven't just sit back and watch because "you ain't seen nothing yet".....

This is my story and I will tell you how this story is going to go.... Oh and I would summarize this all up by saying... I'm not angry and bitter, just very passionate about knowing what I want and knowing that it's time to move on....

Keep moving forward!

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