Sunday, January 25, 2009

Calling it Quits

This past Thursday I made a trip to Walmart and figured I would call that my workout. Then on Friday I had a bad day at work. I decided on my way home that all I felt like doing was going home and after stopping by the convenience store to pick up some drinks....just sit at home drink and give up on the whole work out thing.

I had truly come to the decision, that maybe things weren't going the way I had wanted them to so why not just call it done. So Saturday morning I woke up and I had got a text from one of my friends telling me about the movie times for a movie we were going to go see.

So I sat around watched some TV ate some breakfast before it was time to go to the movie. I went to the Palms parked on the 3rd floor and took the stairs as I usually do. The difference though this time was that I was speeding down the stairs. I realized when I had got down to the first floor that my mind may have said it was okay with me quitting the whole exercise thing, but my body answered in it's own way that it was not ready to quit. In fact it has just started.

After the movie, I came back home and put on my workout gear and made my way to the apartment gym where I spent about an hour in there doing my thing. It's funny even though I only usually walk maybe to a light jog for a bit, that has been enough for my body to demand that I keep on doing it.

Even last night I was hanging out with some friends and co-workers while they played Rock Band and my legs just were wanting to bounce around and go and do something active. I have found it to be quite interesting.

The other thing I found funny about last night is how big of a deal people make of the fact that I don't drink anymore. People tell me it's a good thing that I don't drink anymore but then they come back 5 minutes later and say "I can't believe you're not drinking anymore!" As I have told them it's a personal choice. I can't control the decisions I make when I drink so I have made the decision not to leave the decision I make in the hands of alcohol.

So I just sit back, drink out of my bottle of water and just enjoy watching the festivities. I never realized that being the sober one can be just as entertaining and sometimes even more fun that being the drunk one. Watching people make comments about each other, spilling drinks on themselves, dropping their stuff and being overly clumsy... That's just good free entertainment.

Well tonight's the last day of my weekend and I will start my work week again on Monday so I look forward to the start of a new week. I have developed a new philosophy or two for my life. One of them is to work harder to show appreciation to the friends I have rather than wishing I was involved with people that I have up until now put up on a pedestal.

I'm putting me, myself and I first, next my true friends and then I will try and make time for the rest of those folks when I feel like it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Litigation Nation

Now if this works this will be my first blog written soley on my blackberry phone. If it fails then I will have wasted 5 minutes of my life I may never get back.

So this blog is inspired by the yearly forms we have to fill out saying we will follow the rules, code of conduct, the laws of the nation, the policies, the 10 commandments and whatever else will keep our respective companies from costly lawsuits.

Now I might just be going on a rant here but is it just me or is corporate america starting to get just a bit too paranoid? This coming from the person who wrote a blog about all of my own personal paranoias! I just think when it gets to the point that you can't surf the internet at work without being fearful of losing your job then maybe rules are getting to strict. I understand that if people are visiting pornographic or downloading files they should not then something should happen to them. But for the average joe who is just trying to kill a little time by expanding his mind seeking out knowledge on the internet then where is the harm in that?

It is even getting so bad in this litigation nation that we live in that we cannot even field a privately financed sports team with the company name without it being cleared through the lawyers first! I understand that accidents happen and that yeah if someone gets hit by a ball they are going to sue someone rather than just learning to pay better attention.

I think America has become to dependent on suing someone when an accident happens. I think people need to understand that life happens and if an accident occurs where there is no malicious intent or there is no intent to cause an injury then we need to just suck it up. Now if someone is drunk and gets in a car or isn't paying attention while operating a machine and causes an accident yeah there should be a lawsuit and someone should be held liable!

If you are just out in public and a bird unloads on you...then just suck it up and don't go and try to sue the old lady who feeds the birds. Just realize that sometimes shit happens and move on without taking legal action!

Now just in case there is a question on this... I love my job and I have no problem doing whatever they tell me to do while on their time. I just wish the world was a more understanding place. Times are tough right now and I am very thankful to be working. I hope one day we can all relax again and be the happy productive employees we were before we lived in fear of if we are going to have a job tomorrow.

I also hope that eventually the world learns that people work best when they are allowed to breathe and don't have to worry about a plethora of policies, possible layoffs and threats of litigation. Can't we all just get along?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Every Little Bit Counts

So I'm learning quickly now that every little bit counts... Each time I lose a little bit more weight I'm extremely happy. It's good to see pounds coming off rather than going on constantly. I'm starting to make it a routine now that every day after work I go home and I work out. Sometimes it's just 15 minutes sometimes it's 30 minutes. It just depends on the day.

I have found though it's a great way to end my day. There have been a lot of stresses from work lately. Since we have had cutbacks, like most companies I find myself working a little bit harder everyday. This week is actually more relaxing then last week, last week I was pretty much doing double the work. Normally this would have worn me down to the point of burnout, but I think I have to credit the new exercise regimen as helping me through all of this.

Yesterday we had some more layoffs at the station. It was very sad but in the end I'm happy that I'm still fortunate to have a job. I'm very sad for the people that are no longer hear but we all have to understand that we work for businesses and if a business is struggling to stay a float then they have to start throwing things off the ship no matter how valuable until there are better conditions on the horizon.

In other news, we are already preliminarily talking about Softball season coming up. Our first practice is scheduled for the start of then I'm aiming to be 1/3 of the way to my goal or even halfway to my goal if I'm lucky! I love softball so I'm looking forward to getting out and playing!

85 Days to Go, Current Weight: 242.5
23.5 Pounds to go until goal is reached!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Biggest Loser Season 7

I am at work right now and as I work I have the TV on in the background, but I have been getting distracted by the latest season of Biggest Loser that is on. This season they have the biggest cast on that has ever been on Biggest Loser.

The first thing the show starts off with is all the groups being told to work out on their own. The most shocking moment comes from Jerry the oldest member of the group who we later find out once he started working out his blood pressure shot down and he ended up passing out in the gym.

I couldn't help but feel for the guy, I honestly feel for everyone of these people because I'm not too far off from being in the same predicament as some of these people.

I was talking with a co-worker today and we were discussing the getting in shape philosophy that I have recently entered into. I was telling her how honestly I am now realizing just how much of a mental game getting in shape is. You have to convince yourself to make the change in your life. If you don't commit to it with your mind, then you're just setting yourself up for failure.

My philosophy lately is kinda like that saying "you've got to get yourself right with god" well with fitness my philisophy is "you've got to get yourself right with Shawn".... I can't make this change in my life primarily for anyone except for myself. I'm the one who will have to deal with the consequences of my failure first and foremost.

I am still committed to my own personnel success. I am motivated and I am determined to get myself into the best shape of my life this year. It's only the 6th day of the new year and already I've made more progress in my personal fitness goals than I have in years.

I definitely relate to the people on the Biggest Loser although I'm not as heavy as most of them I know that I'm in the same boat as them. I was lazy for the first 30 years of my life and if I want to live a successful, healthy next 30 years in my life then I have to make some serious changes and get myself right with Shawn!

92 days to go....current weight: 245.1 pounds
weight left to lose to reach goal: 26.1 pounds

Monday, January 5, 2009

A resolution....really?

Today is January 5th and how many people have already broken their New Year's Resolutions or have given up on them for the rest of the year already? Is it just me or is a resolution something that you are supposed to by definition resolve to "definitely come to a decision about"...

I have made the resolution to do several things as you read in my previous blog. Yes I have already had my failures on this but I have also had my successes. I have started off slowly but I have no plans on giving up.

I can already tell that by just doing the little bit that I do on occasions, I'm feeling better. I have more energy, I have more self confidence... I have a goal, I have a plan for my life. If I were to give up on everything I have just begun to start right now I would be a failure. I decided at the end of 2008 that I could no longer give myself permission to fail when it came to bettering myself.

When you start to give yourself permission to fail, you've in fact given yourself permission to be a failure. I am here to succeed and I will succeed. If I fail to reach my goal in the next 95 days then it happens but I won't give up. To make a change that will majorly effect your life then the change must be in fact a lifestyle change.

Today I went and hopped on the scale and with shoes on which I didn't have last time I now weigh in at 246.1 lbs. I did weigh in at 249.0 lbs without shoes. I'm calling it a 3 lbs. loss and I have no plans on stopping now, in fact I have just begun.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Resolutions

I think I have constantly been one of those people who has made New Year's Resolutions and then never followed through on them. This year is the first year that I honestly can say I'm going to give it the "old college try"...

I have found my inspiration in weird sources but here are the resolutions for 2009:

1) Lose the 30 LBS. in 100 Days....and then keep it off plus maybe get rid of some more by 2010:
~~I have slowed up a bit recently due to a couple of busy days but I know that this can't be an every day occurence. In order to make changes in life, it requires constant action. I must stride everyday to do what it takes to better my physical health and thus better myself in my own eyes.

2) Find the enthusiasm from my childhood and start being more of an optimist as well as a positive thinking and acting person.
~~I think lately I have stopped being enthusiastic about the world. I've only seen the dark and dreary and I have become darker and more negative of a person as a result. I also know that I have also become a person that has settled for the easier path and just being Vulcan like in turning my emotions off so that I don't have to deal with them. I will strive in 2009 to appreciate the positives in life that much more as well as to share my optimism for life with everyone else. I want to be the kind of person that people are happy to see rather than the person that they go the other way to avoid.

3) Be more of a yes man and an adventurist.
~~I have found myself lately turning down anything different and just staying in my comfort zone. It will be my goal to do something more on my weekends than sit inside watching TV and playing video games. The story of my life can be more interesting if I actually take the leap of doing something different and expanding my horizons.

Well I think those are 3 of my great goals for the New Year. I also want to say that included in number 3 would be to find more opportunities to spend time with the friends that will help make me a better person. I need to develop my relationships into strong friendships rather than just casual acquaintances.

Life ain't always beautiful, but it can be a beautiful just have to make more of an effort.